TurboCat Zoom Vacuum Brush

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  (4.7/5 Stars) - Overall Rating from 128 Users

Part # A-ZOOM
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The Turbocat Zoom is a powerful, air-driven turbo powerhead that harnesses the power of your central vacuum system for deep, thorough cleaning. Turbocat Zoom is the exact same as "TurboCat Pro", just colored differently.

The TurboCat Zoom features:

  • Superb suction power
  • 13-inch wide cleaning path
  • Easy wand release
  • Engineered with exclusive Z-Tech Design
  • Multi-port Baseplate
  • Vac-N-Groom Brush Roller
  • Silent Drive Belt
  • Lightweight and Durable

Remove embedded dirt and dust with ease while vacuuming with the Turbocat Zoom. The Turbocat Zoom requires no power cords, batteries or electricity to operate! This also saves you money your electric bill!

Not only is the Turbocat Zoom powerful and energy efficient, but it is also very lightweight! The Turbocat Zoom weighs only 4.3 pounds! Making it easier for you to maneuver around your home while vacuuming.

Replaces all color versions and the original TurboCat Zoom EX, Platinum, Blue, II, and the orginal TurboCat, TL2000, TP210, T210, TT27. Also available in a complete kit on the kits page.

Warranty: 3yr Manufacturer.

Free Shipping!* on entire order with the purchase of a TurboCat Zoom Vacuum Nozzle!

Top Customer Reviews

(5/5 Stars)

January 13, 2025

So happy I got this. Works great.

- New York

(5/5 Stars)

December 27, 2024

It is a good product, it fit with our existing central vacuum system. The design is cool, it is not very noisy, and its cleaning performance is very good.

I am happy to have this product.

- Michigan

Ask a Question

Difference Between TurboCat
Question: what is the difference between TurboCat & TurboCat Zoom Pro.? What is the difference between Rug-Rat & Wessel Werk? I have an M&S C.V. Model AV525A S/N B951156 what would be the replacement motor and brushes?
CVO's Answer:
For the replacement motors, there is a cross reference table on this page http://centralvacuumonline.com/products/airvac/motors/motormodels/. The TurboCat is the original top-end air power brush and is still very popular. The Zoom and Zoom Pro are new versions of TurboCat that look more modern and for all the functional comparisons are exactly the same. One main difference is the belt. TurboCat has a traditional geared belt while the Zoom's have a grooved belt meaning it has channels running the entire circumference. If you plan to use one of them on your AV525 system you should stick with TurboCat because it will spin better with the lower torque of that unit. RugRat and Wessel's mini turbines both work very well. The RugRat can probably take more abuse and the Wessel is easier to access in case the turbine jams on debris.
Will this replace my RD1990?
Question: I have a vacuflo central vac system that is16 yrs old. I need a power head Part#RD1990. Will this power head be right for my vac?
CVO's Answer:
Yes, the Turbocat Pro will directly replace your #RD1990 power head.
Old Turbine Power Head
Question: My unit is all most 16 years old called TURBINE POWERHEAD, I like to replace this whole unit, which is comparable unit to replace this old unit
CVO's Answer:
We have compatible heads and entire replacement kits for your system. A direct replacement of the turbine head would be the orginal TurboCat or the Zoom. However, we suggest replacing the hose and wands as well since new products perform so much better. If you have some wall to wall carpet consider an electrified hose and power brush. If not then stick with the turbine, or air powered, models.
Question: I am trying to replace a turbine powerhead from Canada which is labelled PN 6970, 6971 amp 7210. What should I get?
CVO's Answer:
Unfortunately, we only carry turbines for the China 7210 model (TurboCat). Please Contact Vacuflo for pricing and availability on replacement parts for the Canada 7210 model.
Question: I have a deluxe Turbo Carpet brush. Is this TurboCat Zoom brush compatible?
CVO's Answer:

Hello and thank you for contacting Central Vacuum Online. Yes, the Zoom Air Driven Brush will be compatible with your hose and wand that currently works with your TurboCat head.

Regards, Ally

Question: Will this brush attachment work on a galaxy system?
CVO's Answer:

Hello and thank you for contacting Central Vacuum Online my name is Ally and I am happy to assist you today.

We will need to know what type of hose you currently have in order to determine compatibility. This Air Driven power Head is compatible with all industry standard Low Voltage and Basic Hoses. It is also recommended to purchase the proper extension wand (according to your hose) for this head. Let us know if you have questions. 

Question: In what country is the Turbocat Zoom made?
CVO's Answer:

The Turbocat Zoom is manufactured in China.

Question: Have a 36 year old vacu-maid with no power on 30 foot hose. Will this Turbocat work with my system. The vacuum part of my system works great. Looking to upgrade to a power head. Thanx
CVO's Answer:

In order to check compatibility, we require additional information. To further assist you, please contact us at 1-800-971-7172. Our office is open from 7am to 5pm Monday – Thursday PST.

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