Hose Coupler
For Hayden (5/5 Stars) - Overall Rating from 4 Users

Hose Coupler
Used for connecting two pieces of hose together. Great for repairing a hose, or making your own extended hose by piecing two hoses together. The hoses can be 1 3/8 inches or 1 1/4 inner diameter and must not include on/off switch!
Top Customer Reviews

January 03, 2023
This coupler was an impulse buy when I purchased a new hose and I am so glad I bought it. I was able to cut out a broken section of my old hose and create a separate hose I can now keep upstairs. Great product and seems robust. I like that it has a small amount of flexibility which makes me believe it will last for years. Definitely will buy again!

January 18, 2022
Ask a Question
In order for any of our hose parts to be compatible your current hose must have the following information on the hose cuff; a P with a circle on it or it indicates that it is an XY series. The vacuum hose must be 1-3/8 inches or 1-1/4 inner diameter and must have no on/off switches.
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